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I first heard about Donald Trump in the ’80s, courtesy of a satirical magazine in New York called SPY. A gossip columnist, Liz Smith, did a bunch of articles on Trump and called him the “Short-Fingered Vulgarian.”

Now, a couple of things… I’m Canadian, so U.S. politics and elections don’t factor much into my life.

Plus, I don’t have a TV. I got rid of it in the ’70s. I believe it’s an open sewer in our living rooms. So, I never saw The Apprentice or Seinfeld or Friends, etc. Beyond the odd reference, I knew nothing about Trump.

I’ve never been fond of folks telling me how to think; I like to make up my own mind. Maybe that’s why I like the internet. We have to be our own gatekeepers.

I have a lot of close friends who are, without a doubt, anti-Trump. Some are so passionately anti-Trump that they literally start frothing at the mouth. And these are Canadians.

Is it TDS—Trump Derangement Syndrome? Or is it the hive mind, where mainstream media is constantly consumed by people, maybe unconsciously?

It really disturbs me. Not that people hate Trump—I don’t care. What bothers me is that people seem to have their minds controlled by mainstream media. Look at the celebrity worship.

I was watching the Joe Rogan and Donald Trump interview.

My bottom line is simple.

This is a guy called Donald Trump. He was President and is running again. So… vote for him or against him. Same with Kamala Harris; vote for her or don’t.

All the hubbub and social media aside, think for yourself.

We Canadians have enough of our own issues. I’m surprised—I guess all my friends are so rich that this economy doesn’t bother them.

Let alone the scandals in Ottawa, the threat to free speech, and our broken healthcare and education systems.

So about Trump. I watched the video. I have no opinion one way por the other. All I know is The US like Canada would be a hell of a lot better with better politicians and a bunch of things I will happily keep to myself!

Come on folks … “Think it ain’t illegal yet!”