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Logo Design

I saw a Tweet today. It is from one of my favorite accounts BCFerrys

The most interesting marine transportation system parody account in the world.

Love these guys – they have been written up by the local media and have great funny posts

like this one:

Well, prompted by this quip I thought to myself, “Self why NOT do a spoof Zero Haste logo for them?

That is when all this went off the rails.

I am not going to embarrass anyone – you do it. Search Google for Zero Waste then click “images.”

Wow. I know one thing that was never wasted was a single moment of professional design, typography, art, nor one minute of considered thought.

These – and not all, of course, there were a couple that weren’t too bad, tedious and just plain boring logos I have seen in many many years. Oh, and they are ugly.

In the “era of the amateur” where you will hear,  “Logo Design? Hell, how tough can it be?” Yet again this pseudo industry and movement have demonstrated just how hard!